Don’t Go In Blind. Be Prepared.

A course designed by agents for prospective agents, Mach Formula X equips you with everything you could potentially need to know in order to pass the NBPA Exam.

Our Exam Prep Materials include the following:

  • Binder Organization is one of the MOST important determinants in passing the NBPA Agent exam.

    The key with open book exams is knowing where to find the information in a short amount of time.

    Our printable table of contents will aid you in binder organization so that you can be as organized as possible on test day and while studying.

  • Our set of 55 flashcards features all the important definitions and key terms from the NBA Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)

    Flashcards will cover all definitions that may be featured on the NBPA Agent exam.

    You will develop a foundational understanding of the key terms in CBA and will make the CBA easier to digest as a whole.

  • One (1) 50-Question Mock Examination will contain questions that resemble those on the official NBPA Agent Exam, and will be timed; similar to the Official Exam.

    This mock exam serves the purpose of determining how ready you are for the official exam, and gives you a sense of the types of questions you will be seeing.

  • During this 30-Minute call we will go over your exam results, review the incorrect questions, and explain the correct answers.

    We will also review any additional questions you may have and offer any additional advice for writing the official exam.